Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Resume Preparation

Resume Preparation:

Resume preparation is the very important to apply the software jobs,Here some tips and sample resume placed to prepare resume for both freshers and experience.

Many of us will stuck  to prepare resumes here is some simple solutions to prepare your resume

First, i will tell u  how to prepare Resume For Freshers
Lets start with header of your resume.
write your  name on the top of the resume with center align.
mail id,
mobile number,
pan number,
passport number and etc.
after headers make a line horizontally
after this line,  add your career objective
Now, academic details in table format
if we use table format it will helpful  to recruiters, to search academic details.
after this professional skills,software skills and other summary
you have to place it like this Ex : achieved first prize in essay writing

sample resumes fallows

Next project details,
academic projects or real time projects
place properly with good description like project name,organization, team size and achievements

sample projects in the below image

Next: personal details Name ,fathers Name and Address

Write the Declaration and Signature at bottom of the Resume

For Experience people Resume preparation

Here, i placed  sample resume for exp people.

Header should be same as Freshers with pan number and passport number.
Like Name ,mail id and Mobile Number
if u have any certificates(like :Microsoft,Sun) place the logo at top left/right of the Resume
next should be professional summary

like below image

go For Company Details From joining Date To Resigning Date
Place a company URL also and
coming to  technical summary fallow the image below

Roles and Responsibilities and Description should be clear,
add client name and url of that sites...

Cover Letter also we have to place with resume in job portal sites and Company Career Uploads
 i pasted some sample cover letter for u.


My name is Umamaheswar. I'm a .Net Programmer. I’ve been working as
a developer on Micro Soft Technologies Having 3+ years Experience

I’m well-versed in ASP 2.0 and ASP 3.5 and as a team leader in a .Net division

I also have extensive knowledge in

Linq To Sql,
Fire Bugger,
Web Crawling,
HTML Editor.
Knowledge on Share Point Server 2007
Sql Server 2000/2005

you may check some of my projects:





I’m available via chat at the following id's.


Umamaheswar Rao.B

Feel free ask me if u have any doubts....

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