Thursday, August 25, 2016

Punishments to RIO Olympic players in North Korea

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un can do anything.
Total 31 players are represented North Korea in Rio Olympics 2016, But if players loose in Rio Olympics will be punished they need work Coal mines(Punishment).

Kim Jong-Expected to win 17 medals (at-least 5 gold medal) in the Olympics with their players but it was not to be happened.
North Korea just won 7( 2 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze medals) in Rio Olympic medals.

He punished on LIVE TV
North Korean players lose a football match He punished them on live TV. He was sent them to work in the mines.

Selfie can lead death penalty!
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-death penalty could give. Indeed, The North Korea's first female gymnast Hong Un Jung  took selfies with an athlete of South Korea's(Anti to North Korea).Chance to announce death penalty to female gymnast.

Winners should get good money and respect
According to Financial Express News website,Kim Jong-medal winning players will get good money beyond their expectations.

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